Hey there everyone. August’s Press Day is past and it is time for me to get back to the website. Today we bring you our latest 5 from the Grinder installment. If you are new to KNIFEMagazine.com, 5 from the Grinder is our short-format knifemaker interview series, where we ask the same 5 questions to makers all along the spectrum from ABS Masters to the newly “turned pro”.
Today we bring you James Ingram of Arizona’s Ingram Knives. As an ABS Journeyman, James represents a maker somewhat farther along in the process. I don’t want to steal any of his thunder, so I will turn the floor over to James, to learn about his knives and knifemaking journey.
If you are a maker who would like to be featured in a future 5 from the Grinder, click this link for more information.
Please introduce yourself and let us know what led you to making/designing knives:
My name is James Ingram. I live in Yuma Arizona with my bride Elvira. I recently passed my ABS journeyman smith. I currently work full-time at the US Army Yuma Proving Ground as an army civilian. Prior to that I was in the Marine Corps. When I was about 12 my aunt introduced me to a knife maker in Iowa by the name of Max Robinson. He made traditional style hunting and utility knives completely by hand, without the use of any power tools. He created an interest that is still with me today.
What knifemaker(s) or designer(s) have had the biggest influence on you? Do you have any mentors?
Through the years, I’ve been very fortunate to know several outstanding knife makers other than Max. When I first came to Yuma, I met Don Weiler, who became a great friend and encouraged me with my knife making. MBS Larry Fuegen and MBS Ray Rybar have spent countless hours sharing their knowledge and wisdom with me to help further my knife making. A few years ago I took a class from JS Mike Tyre. His knowledge and mentorship in making the flippers and liner locks has been invaluable.
What is your favorite knife pattern or style from history?
That would have to be the Bowie knife. Love the various styles of Bowie, but i am particularly fond of the coffin handle.
What is the next big thing in knifemaking? / What direction do you see the industry going?
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Is there a knife from your lineup that you feel best exhibits who you are as a knifemaker/designer in terms of design elements, aesthetic or techniques used?
I am a very traditional style person, and that seems to reflect in my knife making. I like making traditional styled utility and hunting knives.
What is your EDC and why?
My every day carry is a flipper. I am pretty rough on EDC’s so I like the ability to disassemble and repair if necessary.
Find out more:
Your Phone: (928) 58(zero)-9888
Email: ingramknives(at)gmail.com
Want to be featured on KNIFEMagazine.com? Participate in our “5 from the Grinder” series