Brackin Blades Forge

5 from the Grinder: Logan Brackin – Brackin Blades Forge

Hey Everybody, welcome back to KNIFE Magazine’s 5 from the Grinder interview series. Today we bring you Logan Brackin of Brackin Blades Forge. Not only is Logan a great maker, he runs one of the better knifemaker YouTube channels.If you are a maker who would like to be featured in future 5 from the Grinder post, click here.

Please introduce yourself and let us know what led you to making/designing knives

Hi, I’m Logan Brackin. I started making knives as Christmas presents for family. We didn’t have much money so hand-made gifts were a necessity. I quickly caught the bug and dove in head first. That was ten years ago. Today, knife making is a profitable and fulfilling business for us. Every day we look forward to working in the shop and getting our knives out. We’re very fortunate to do what we love and we certainly take pride in what we produce.

What knifemaker(s) or designer(s) have had the biggest influence on you? Do you have any mentors?

Ray Kirk has been a big influence. I like his style and his philosophy. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know him at knife shows over the years. I haven’t had any official mentors. As a kid, I often drew pictures of knives. As I got older, I decided to try making a few. I went on YouTube to begin learning and that’s how the process began.


What is your favorite knife pattern or style from history?

I’m a big fan of the seax and the bowie.

What is the next big thing in knifemaking? / What direction do you see the industry going?

Everyone plays guitar, but few are rock stars. Right now, there are lots of small knife makers coming and going. Good equipment is expensive, making a quality product at an affordable price is difficult, and building it into a profitable business is by far the most difficult part. We will see the “everyone is a maker” fad die out. Those who are committed to making it work will remain.

Is there a knife from your lineup that you feel best exhibits who you are as a knifemaker/designer in terms of design elements, aesthetic or techniques used?

Yes! The Nightmare is our best-seller. It’s America’s knife. We love the design, both functionally and visually. A great customer of ours, an avid hunter, told us, “It’s a hog’s worst nightmare.” So, there you go. That became its name. We have the original Nightmare as well as small and large versions and a folder in the works.

What is your EDC and why?

The small Nightmare is my EDC. It’s made to fit in your pocket with a footprint about the size of a folder. It deploys quickly, carries comfortably, cuts like a razor, and it’s absolutely indestructible.

For more information on Logan Brackin., visit his website: or drop him an email brackinbladesforge(at)

You can find him on social media:

Instagram: Brackin Blades Forge

Facebook: Brackin Blades Forge

YouTube: BrackinBladesForge


If you are a maker who would like to be featured yourself in a future 5 from the Grinder, click the link below.


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