Of course I will be mentioning it again in the Weekend Open Thread, but Mark wanted me to put in a bonus plug for the Oregon Knife Show, where he is this weekend.
So ignore the dates from our Event Calendar. We are trying to figure out how to display the current year for a recurring show.
Find out more: https://www.oregonknifecollectors.com/events/
The Lehigh Valley show is another one that is special to us because KNIFE Magazine Staff Correspondent Bryan Wyszkowski is part of the team that has kept this popular show going after legendary show promoter Bill Goodman passed away.
Find out more at https://paknifeshows.com/
Since we are mentioning the other 2, we’d be remiss in not putting in a plug for the Piney Woods Hammer-In as well…
Once again, ignore the date below…
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Let us know if you go to a show.