The BLADE Show held from June 7-9 at the Cobb County Gallery saw one of the most intense Knife Of The Year® Awards competitions in recent memory.
A diverse array of makers entered the contest, filling the display cases outside the main hall to capacity. The sheer number of entries wasn’t the only impressive factor—quality, innovation, and craftsmanship were all at their peak, from knife accessories to the blades vying for the top award.
With such high standards, the 10 judges, including industry experts, knife writers, makers, and Cutlery Hall Of Famers, had a challenging task. Below are the knives that met their rigorous criteria, winning honors in 10 categories and the overall Knife Of The Year award for 2024.
We don’t often share something from Blade Magazine, as they are our sole remaining print competitor of significance. That said, Blade Show is their baby, and like the Cutlery HOF announcement, is worth sharing for the significance to the community.
I won’t go into all the details. you can find out more at the link below, but the Spartan Harsey Clandestina won Knife of the Year, and is a solid choice. Naming a Spydie PM2 as “most innovative” just for a Magnacut swap has raised some eyebrows, and has the online naysayers all aflutter.
Read the whole thing here: