KnifeNews: First 2024 TOPS Project Sees Return of the Shadow Hunter

TOPS is joining in the fresh release fun with its first new for 2024 model, which hit the shelves this week. This is the Shadow Hunter, a remaster of a long-dormant TOPS model, with a refined design informed by more than a decade of additional manufacturing experience.

If you delve far back into the annals of knife history, scrounging for old YouTube reviews or still-active Sold Out pages, you can catch a glimpse of the original Shadow Hunter, now over 10 years old and long vanished from the primary market. Like most TOPS releases (especially at that time) it was a fixed blade with a combination outdoors/hunting use profile, spiced up with TOPS’s usual hard use/tactical flair. All of the core TOPS tenets were in full display on that knife but, in the intervening years, the company has broadened its range, refined its techniques, and generally increased its knife making prowess, so it’s exciting to see them return to an old design with new eyes rather than just re-release it as it was.

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First 2024 TOPS Project Sees Return of the Shadow Hunter

One of the things I will miss most about not attending SHOT (other than missing the people) is not seeing TOPS’ table of prototypes. They always show stuff that is as much as 2-3 years out.But they did share this…


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