FOXNews: Israeli researchers find ‘four 1,900-year-old, excellently preserved’ Roman swords in Dead Sea cave

Researchers in Israel have discovered “four 1,900-year-old, excellently preserved Roman swords” and a javelin head in a “small hidden cave” near the shoreline of the Dead Sea, the country’s antiquities authority announced Wednesday.

The weapons were found near Ein Gedi after scientists went there to further investigate an inscription found on a stalactite inside the same cave decades ago.

“The hiding of the swords and the pilum in deep cracks in the isolated cave north of Ein Gedi, hints that the weapons were taken as booty from Roman soldiers or from the battlefield, and purposely hidden by the Judean rebels for reuse,” Eitan Klein, a director with the Judean Desert Survey Project, said in a statement released by the Israeli Antiquities Authority.

Finding the swords is cool, but not totally unexpected. But to find intact wooden scabbards is frankly amazing.

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