With a huge number of outstanding knifemaking brands producing a wide variety of offerings, several large knife-focused retailers currently operating (and many more that have integrated the sale of knives into their business) and literally thousands of available examples of knives — pocket/folding, fixed and otherwise — it’s never been a better time to be an everyday carry enthusiast.
But this year, there’s one category that has started to stand out: utility knives. Often overlooked by the larger knife enthusiast community — likely because the category is typically function-first and, often, function-only — several new, outstanding examples have dropped just in the last couple of months alone. And it looks like a trend that’s going to continue. In fact, I’m so sure of it, I’m going to just go ahead and say it: 2024 is the year of the utility knife. Here’s the proof.
Nothing earthshaking, but the CJRB Breeze is definitely gathering attention.