GearPatrol (rightly) Pillories Electric Carving Knives (and a Question of the Day)

Thanksgiving is full of wonderful traditions — watching football for hours on end, bickering with almost-forgotten family members, midday naps. But pulling out that old, dusty electric knife when it’s time to carve the bird not one of them.

You know the one. It has a big plastic grip and an impossibly loud electric motor. It might even come with its own weirdly formal, felt-lined storage box.

After 15 minutes of shuffling through the back of every drawer in your kitchen, you find it tucked behind the juicer. It is that useless.

The electric knife was invented by one Jerome Murray, whose name you’ll also find attached to the airplane boarding ramp and a medical pump used for open-heart surgery. It is essentially two serrated blades clipped together with a motor tacked on.

I found this amusing. I remember my dad using one, along with my great-uncle. I wouldn’t dream of it.

You can read the whole thing at

But, that begs the question –

What is your implement of turkey destruction?


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