Jerry Fisk Knives

Jerry Fisk: 50 Years a Bladesmith – By Del Corsi

Jerry Fisk: 50 Years a Bladesmith
By Del Corsi

Knifemakers are a profound and complex group of people. Most relish working and creating alone, but at the same time they work well in groups and seem to thrive in crowded settings. It is always fascinating to learn how someone began a career in knifemaking – each maker usually has a great story about building their first knife. (Most still own that knife and without exception, mention how rough it looks!) Their passion and work ethic are quickly revealed after asking a few basic questions. Behind the scenes you will usually find a patient, hard working spouse at their side. Marketing and people skills are a necessary part of the knifemaking business, such a gift for those few who come by this naturally. Some knifemakers are larger than life and have a huge presence. In a nutshell I’ve just described legendary knifemaker Jerry Fisk.

This article appears in the April 2022 issue of Knife Magazine. Premium Online Members can read the whole thing by clicking the blue button below.
