Andrew Demko and Cold Steel are synonymous names in the folding knife world. Before venturing out on his own to make a new line of knives (the AD20 and AD20.5 line), he worked under Cold Steel’s brand as a designer for many of their knives, with an emphasis on the spokesman and testing side of the brand. There have been many that take a place in the hall of fame folders in Cold Steel’s lineup, but the American Lawman is one that seems to remain evergreen through the years. The knife has changed a bit over time, but has remained largely the same, with some very usable features and reliability that rivals knives at a much higher price point, all while keeping the budget on the lower end. Maybe it’s not a knife that every folder connoisseur needs to have in their collection, but maybe we can push to make it a law…. ok, enough with the puns. For now.
I never realized Demko was the designer of the American Lawman. One of Cold Steels more iconic models.
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