Mickey Yurco Knives

Knifemaker Mickey Yurco By Del Corsi

Knifemaker Mickey Yurco By Del Corsi

Mickey Yurco has been making knives for thirty-eight years. His achievements and accolades in the knife world are numerous and well deserved. As a knifemaker myself, I always have an appreciation and admiration for the work of makers I write about. It is such an honor to learn about their work and life. They can always tell I am a fan. This time is no different, especially given the added merits of this talented artist. Much like the man himself, it is a compelling and complex narrative. Hearing the enthusiasm in Mickey’s voice while discussing his family, career, knifemaking, and service was inspirational. These topics really touched my heart and made me think about what is important in my own life, Refreshing, to say the least.

This article appears in the May 2021 issue of Knife Magazine.  Premium Online Members can read the whole thing by clicking the blue box below =,

Mickey Yurco