We regret to report the passing of our good friend Tommy McNabb, who was much more than just a fine knifemaker (under the name “Carolina Custom Knives”). Tommy was a stalwart supporter of custom knives and knifemakers in North Carolina and beyond, a man who led by example through the North Carolina Custom Knifemakers Guild and the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America (ABANA). Tommy was for several years the leading force behind the late, lamented Southeastern Custom Knife Show in Winston-Salem and he devoted a great deal of time to sharing his knowledge of knifemaking with others.
His loss is a loss to the entire knifemaking community, but his influence will long live on through the NCCKG and all knifemakers of the region.
Our deepest sympathies to Tommy’s lovely and talented wife Trena. We will post more information on the memorial service in Winston Salem this Saturday, or on memorial donations as it becomes available.