Ostap Hel‘s Bouquet series is one of the most interesting of this very busy designer’s ongoing projects. The flower-inspired line gets its latest expansion soon in the form of a budget-focused G-10 version of the second-ever Bouquet release, the Ivy.
The original Ivy, released towards the end of 2020, was the second model in the Bouquet series, following on from the Tulip, which released a year prior. It couldn’t have been more different than that knife – or most folders, really – thanks to its blade shape, a modified hawkbill wherein the traditional hook-like arc of that pattern was toned down to widen its utility in everyday carry. Hel further differentiated his knife from others by outfitting it with a front flipper tab – the Ivy may be the only production front flipper hawkbill on the market right now.
Ostap Hel is a really prolific designer. He has knives on the market from a half dozen companies or more. He and Voxneas never rest.
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