KnifeNews: Civivi Recruits its Newest Collaborator for Wharnie Blade User

More knives from Civivi are a-coming down the pike – anybody surprised? Next up to discuss is the Nugz, a wicked wharnie from first-time Civivi collaborator Matthew Wehrwein.

The Nugz appears to be a slightly sized up production sequel to the Nugget, a Wehr Knives custom with a stubbier blade. The Nugz’s blade measures 3.17 inches long, which is a notable gain over the 2.25-inch Nugget. What sort of cutting do you do with a blade like this? Well, the usual everyday carry chores of course; there’s a reason why the wharnie is such a trendy choice for that role: a straight edge is an intuitive, capable slicer, and users have a lot of control and capability in that low, elongated point too.

Looks solid, but not that different from Zac Whitmore’s Yonder (Civivi Wharncliffe EDC folder), which is coming this fall. I will wait for the latter.

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Civivi Recruits its Newest Collaborator for Wharnie Blade User