KnifeNews: Civivi Turns Hobby Knife into EDC Neck Knife with the Quick Snip

After dipping their toes into the utility knife format with the recently-released (and aptly named) Elementum Utility, Civivi is taking a crack at another long-standing, non-enthusiast type of cutting tool with the Quick Snip.

The Quick Snip itself sports a pretty unusual look, but this is Civivi’s take on the hobby knife. Best-known under through the X-Acto brand, a hobby knife sports a small, kiridashi-esque replaceable blade attached to a thin, elongated handle that has more in common with a pen body tube than any traditional knife handle. The name is spot-on: hobby knives are typically used in arts and crafts, model building, and other creative pursuits where the need for a very detail-oriented cutting tool can arise.

Interesting.  Without a quick change mechanism, this thing takes a hit in the practicality dept. I think I will stick with the Wharncliffe Minimalist.

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Civivi Turns Hobby Knife into EDC Neck Knife with the Quick Snip