KnivesShipFree EXCLUSIVE: New Pocket Clip Innovation Redefines Deep Carry

If you felt a tremor just now, don’t panic: that was just the knife world getting rocked by another innovative, boundary-pushing piece of knife tech from KnivesShipFree R&D. KnifeNews has been given the exclusive scoop on the Deepest Carry Clip (or DCC), an ultra-long pocket clip that redefines the nature of how we carry our favorite tool.

KnivesShipFree is one of the leading light knife dealers, and they have a handsome physical location in Ooltewah, Tennessee; most of us know this. But fewer know that an inconspicuous elevator in the KSF warehouse takes you leagues beneath the earth, to the operation’s sprawling, high-tech Research and Development Lab. The facility is headed up by J Rouch, a daring knife engineer who also moonlights as CEO of KSF; he’s clearly a man who wears many hats (including one with a blade on the brim).

You can read the whole thing at

They weren’t the only company to do an April Fools “promotion”…


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