Hello All, our gradual website redesign and rollout continues, with one particular hiccup that bears mention. When a purge was made of expired Online Premium Memberships (mostly un-renewed complimentary memberships for print subscribers when we initially launched), it triggered an automatic notification of account cancellations. This only applied to online memberships, print subscribers print subscriptions are not affected.
You can read more from KNIFE Publisher Mark Zalesky:
Hello! Right now, we are in the middle of reworking the website membership, including who has to log in and who doesn’t. This involves exporting and deleting users and then bringing them back into our new system. This accounts for the email you received. It won’t affect your print subscription or your ability to order books and back issues. In the long run, the new system will mean that only premium online members actually have to log in. Everybody will have access to the free parts of the site without needing a log in or password.
We will also be bringing back the paid premium online membership with new options and more cool stuff in the next few weeks. So hang on for that announcement. We’ll be starting beta testing for the membership with existing paid members next week, so watch the website for more details about when and where it will happen and what your next steps should be. Until then, please enjoy the print magazine and know that we are working behind the scenes to make things even better!
If you have questions or concerns about the website, or you just want to confirm that you have an active paid membership, you can reach our web developer at website@knifemagazine.com. She will do her very best to take care of you and answer your questions!
Feel free to leave a comment on this post if you prefer. Just please do not leave personal information in that public format.
Previous Updates:
Hey everyone, it has been about a month since we relaunched the website, and it is getting on time to give you an update of how things are going. I will get to that in a moment, but if you are reading this because you are still waiting for your December 2022 issue, there is an explanation of the situation from KNIFE Magazine Publisher Mark Zalesky at this link.
In a nutshell, the supply chain gremlin struck our printer, who was unable to acquire the necessary paper stock to print the issue. It was delayed by several weeks, but should have arrived in most subscriber mailboxes in the past week or so. If you have not yet received it, please be patient for another week or two and if you haven’t received it then, drop an email to sales(at)knifemagazine.com and we will get you squared away.
Now for the bigger deal…an update on the website.
As mentioned, we relaunched the KNIFEMagazine.com website about a month ago. Things are much cleaner and pages load much more quickly. The “Search” bar works 1000 times better than it did in the last iteration. There is a lot more flexibility moving posts around on the page. An much more to come.
One thing that is not available at the moment are the online back issues, and the other paywalled features for our Premium Online members. Consequently, the logins are temporarily disabled as well, so if you were wondering why you couldn’t figure out how to log in to your account, you were not mistaken. It in fact was not working.
But don’t worry, existing Premium Online Memberships are on pause, in other words, when the Premium features of the KNIFEMagazine.com website are back up and running, the balance of your membership will continue.
You can read a complete development roadmap here:
In the mean time, feel free to email any questions or concerns to clay(at)knifemagazine.com, or you can leave a comment below. If you do the latter, your comment might not be visible right away. Once your first comment is approved, subsequent ones should post automatically.
Thank you again for your patience.