MTJS Blog: A Handful of Bushcraft Knives from My Collection Including My Old Faithful

I accumulated the standard outdoor fixed blades a quite a few years ago.

My general slacking means no reviews for most of these (yet), but when it comes to a dependable fixed blade, I tend to be a lot stricter when reviewing as opposed to folders, where toughness is secondary insofar as performance is concerned.

I have yet to use the ESEE 4 or the Tops Trekker, while my old faithful VG-10 Fallkniven F1 looks a lot worse for wear.

I default to it despite having newer knives, but ultimately, I trust the F1.

It doesn’t have the best steel, doesn’t have the best ergonomics, and the cutting geometry – whilst pretty good – is not optimal for my outdoor use case. A scandi would be better for me.

But when all is said and done, my Fallkniven inspires a degree of trust and reliability that no other knife I own has yet to match.

I am so glad that Thomas and Elise are back. They are nice people who run a fantastic blog.

Read the Whole Thing at More Than Just Surviving:

Knife Drop: A Handful of Bushcraft Knives from My Collection Including My Old Faithful