Nemo Knives Review: The Perfect Spyderco Native

Seven years ago I was already in love with a KnifeCenter Exclusive Native. The idea to propose a smooth G10 handle was IMHO a great EDC enhancement as G10 can turn any knife into a pocket shredder.

I was certain I have missed the opportunity to own one of those smooth operators exclusively made for the KCI when, Alex, a fellow member of the Facebook Spyderco Fan Club France has pointed it to me.
They were still in stock ! HERE !!

I know monsieur Howard Korn, the founder of the KCI, since his very beginnings back in the 90’s when he was all alone, and suggested me to design their logo. Howard was the very first reseller to propose knives on a big scale using a very new medium: the world wide web ! What a venture ! And eventually what a success

It was before Amazon and Howard is one of the pioneers in terms of spreading the cutlery’s culture worldwide. Hence now the great videos which are produced in house.

Again, it has been a smooth transaction from the USA to France thanks to a great customer service for a great exclusive. I may be biased but this is my customer experience for almost 30 years with the Knife Center: flawless and inspiring.

Eventually I have found out I have bought perhaps the very last one of those Native Exclusive as 10 days later my order (June2024) they are now out of stock.

So what do we got here ?

I have one of the CRU-Wear Natives, and I love it. I haven’t used it much since it is part of an upcoming steel test, but I am grateful to DCA for giving me a heads up when KnifeCenter had it up as an exclusive. The smooth G10 is strange, but somehow captivating.

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