
Knife World December 2003 Issue (Hard Copy)


Hard copy of Knife World December 2003 Issue.

December 2003 Article Index
The Quest for “Q’s” Barry Carithers 1
Romancing the Name: “Delta Dirks” Paul Holmer 1
Knifemaker Gary Rodewald Jim Williamson 6
The Magic Hone Henry R. Gillespie 14
Gault-Dipprey Hunting Knife Matt Densmore 19
The Model of 1910 Bolo Frank Trzaska 22
A Sweet & Sour Life Ted Cheldin 26
Cold Steel vs. Fallkniven M. Willson Offutt 31


You will receive 1 issue of Knife World for the month of December 2003 mailed as a hard copy magazine, to the address you provide.





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