
Theater Made Military Knives of World War II by Bill & Debbie Wright


An excellent book on those interesting knives made for and by the soldiers and sailors of WWII, as well as the issue and factory knives modified by those same troops. Hundreds of knives pictured in beautiful color. A must. Hardcover, 264 pp.


An excellent book on those interesting knives made for and by the soldiers and sailors of WWII, as well as the issue and factory knives modified by those same troops. Hundreds of knives pictured in beautiful color. A must.

reviewed by Frank Trzaska

Filled with wonderful color photography of knives, this book is a delight for the eyes! Between the author’s personal collection and the collection of Roger Ballard, it contains more custom made, military carried, knives than I have possibly seen in years of looking for them! Yikes, it is packed with them!

Following the winning practice of minimal text and wonderful photography, this book covers an area not before seen by the collectors of this genre. The book consists of 264 high quality paper pages in an 8-1/2 x 11 hardback format. If you think this is just a big picture book don’t believe it, the historical significance is just beginning to be placed on this interesting subgroup. As individual as the men that made them, these knives can tell a story if we would just slow down a bit and listen. Equally important and just as individual are the men that carried them in the jungles, deserts and cities around the globe. Studying these sub groups of secondary knives can be an enjoyable pastime that will continue to intrigue you for the rest of your life. Don’t expect to ever know the answers on all of them, just be happy if you get to know a few.

Most of you should know me by now, I feel that you can never have enough books. This book is another one the military knife aficionado needs to place on their book shelf… if that’s you, you simply need to have it!

Double Edge, Dagger, and Spear Point Knives
Knuckle Knives
Bowie Knives
Identified Knife Makers
Personally Identified and Presentation Knives
Sword Knives
Bayonet Knives
Modified Factory and Issue Knives
Other Styles and Patterns
Philippine Victory Knives

Hardcover, 264 pp.


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