Greetings KNIFE Fans. Things here are a bit crazy, so I am a few days late getting this out. However, we received our first note from a subscriber who received his March issue today.
That is great news, since our January issue took over 2 months to reach many of our subscribers. February was a little better. And now hopefully the USPS has gotten a handle on their problems – which became everyone’s problems.
As you can see, Mike Tyre is our featured custom maker, with the cover article being written by Del Corsi. I loved Ron Flook’s article on British Resistance Army Knives. There is a surprisingly (to me) interesting article on punches, and much more.
There are all of our usual features from Bernard Levine, J. Bruce Voyles, Knife Rights, AKTI, and the ABS
The March issue is online now for our Premium Online Members who wish to view it now. Follow this link, or find it in THE VAULT—-> Magazine Archives.
Not a Premium Member? it is just $19.95/year, or $9.97/year for print subscribers.