KNIFE Magazine September 2021

Sneak Peek: KNIFE Magazine September 2021 Issue

Hey Everyone, Fall is upon us, and the kids are heading back to school. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is on my daughter’s reading list. This month’s cover features the book, because Barlow knives are mentioned within its pages. Steve Crowley’s article documents the colorful history of this piece of the American experience.

Mark and I visited Culpepper & Co. and Old School Knife works, which is just over the mountain from us in Otto, North Carolina. Our lefty readers get some long-deserved attention, Neal Punchard’s article showed me switchblade sabers are a thing. Carl Colson is our featured custom maker, and M. Willson Offutt reviews the Puma Featherweight.


Plus all of our regular monthly features. Look for it in mailboxes soon.