CIVIVI Timberbark Fixed Blade Review H. Clay AaldersI recently received the CIVIVI Timberbark knife to test, which is a knife in their hunting line. So...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·2 Comments··30 views
Ammomland: Civivi Elementum Utility Knife Review H. Clay AaldersI just received the Elementum Utility Knife to test out. Deep down, I know that a product’s packaging...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeed·1 Comment··43 views
Ammoland: Manhattan Stabbing Spree Leaves 3 Dead, Highlights Hypocrisy of Gun Control H. Clay AaldersIn a horrifying series of events, a knife-wielding attacker went on a stabbing spree in Manhattan on Monday...Newsfeed·1 Comment··9 views
Ammoland: Two Courts Disagree on Knives Under the Second Amendment H. Clay AaldersThe United States District Court for the Southern District of California (August 23, 2024) and the Supreme Judicial...Newsfeed·0 Comments··52 views
Ammoland: Buck 104 Compadre Camp Knife Review H. Clay AaldersIf you’re into camping, you know the importance of having a reliable, all-purpose knife by your side. The...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·1 Comment··38 views