The Knife Edge: Spooky H. Clay AaldersI’m not sure why I bought this Texas Toothpick. For some enigmatic and unexplainable reason, I bought it. ...Newsfeed·0 Comments··60 views
KnifeEdge Blog: WRCA’s Hubertus H. Clay AaldersMost of us are familiar with the Hubertus lever lock automatic knife. I own several, and I think...Newsfeed·0 Comments··94 views
Knife Edge: Gerber Pixie and Sportsman II H. Clay AaldersMost of us know the story of Gerber Legendary Blades. Let me add to what I wrote at...Newsfeed·1 Comment··51 views
The Knife Edge: Village of Knives H. Clay AaldersThe world has many great knife communities. But in America, one of the more interesting must be the...Newsfeed·0 Comments··30 views
The Knife Edge: Sunday Blade at Spyderco H. Clay AaldersSunday, the last day of the Blade Show, is always a day of mixed emotions. Everyone must leave...NewsfeedProduction Knives·4 Comments··135 views