Guest Review: CRKT Razel™ Nax StuartBRazel Nax – CRKT: Wait What? by StuartB I won the Razel Nax from the Knife Magazine Weekly...FeaturedKnife & Accessory ReviewProduction Knives·9 Comments··75 views
Guest Review: Rainier Knives Fastpak and thoughts on Ultralight Hiking Knives H. Clay AaldersRainier Knives Fastpak – ‘Ramble on’: Thoughts on UL Hiking Knives by StuartB This review came about in...Guest Post·8 Comments··1765 views
Guest Knife Review: Cudeman “Boina Verde Cadete” H. Clay AaldersJ. S. is a KNIFE Magazine Digital subscriber who followed me here from the no longer online The...Cudeman “Boina Verde Cadete”·3 Comments··593 views