The Knife Edge: Get Your Knife

We are coming up on National Knife Day.  Yes, there is a national day commemorating the knife.

We sometime forget how important knives are to the story of civilization, perhaps to the evolution of humanity.  I often think early man’s first tool was a stick to extend his reach, followed by a rock to pound things.  Somewhere along the way he got the idea of cutting things and everything took off!

We have been celebrating National Knife Day since 2011. For some of us, every day is a celebration of knives. Knives fill our lives both in the physical sense and in our thought process. Our cars have windshield wiper blades, I buttered my toast with a knife, the mill at work has a doctor blade, we need something to slit the envelope open to announce the winner. And nobody tried to cut the cake without a knife.

We cut to the bottom line, a foolish person is described as “not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”…

I know I should be excited about “National Knife Day”

Read the whole thing at KNIFE Magazine Staff Correspondent Frank Karl’s personal blog – The Knife Edge