Weekend Open Thread: Big Orange Championship Edition

Hey All. It has been 4 days since the Tennessee Volunteers won the College World Series, and Knoxville is still buzzing.

I went to a Division 3 school (Kenyon), and swimming championships don’t hit the same way as a D-1 Championship.

Doubly so since while I was raised on Baseball, I have sworn off MLB until such time as the Cleveland Baseball team restores its name, or a team moves to Nashville.


So for the duration of the college season, I have a team in which I can become invested, and actually care about whether they win or lose.

I enjoy watching minor league ball, and that is what gets me through the summer, but it is hard to become invested in the AA Smokies, because if a player is good, they are promoted in short order.

But I am excited for the team to move back downtown, where it will be easier to take in a dozen games a year.

I just love baseball, and while I will never quite bleed Orange, I am so thrilled to be here for a Natty. And for my kids to get to experience it, and to share the final 2 weekends watching TV with them, was special.


(America didn’t care as much about the game as we did here in Knoxville)


When asked for his opinion on the victory, The Sheriff had this to say…

Moving on from baseball, I would normally be posting about the KNIFE Magazine Event Calendar at this point, but there are no shows with the 4th of July coming up next week.

Next show is July 12th.

Village of Knives Knife Show

But then they get rolling again with shows the next few weeks as well..

AIK’s Knife Show

Great Lakes Rendezvous

More on those in the weeks to come.

In other news, the legendary Kinky Freidman passed away this week. Author, singer, comedian, and recipient of 12% of the vote when running as an independent for Texas Governor.

His songs are meant to be a little offensive, but were often making fun of those doing the offending. Not suitable for work, or for those with fragile sensibilities, Kinky was one of a kind…

May his memory be a blessing.

While I was celebrating the Vols win, poor Del had to watch the Oilers lose to a team from a place where ice is not a naturally occurring phenomenon.

I have enjoyed watching the games and texting with Del throughout the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Since I am calling out individual readers, here is one for Hocky, (not Hockey), our favorite bubblehead…

I am sure he will chime in in the comments.

This one is for Stuart B….

Sorry.  That is pretty lame, but I found it shortly after the Hyman Rickover meme. It still blows my mind that such thing exists.

Anybody watch the debate? I try to keep things non-political here, so I will not be commenting.

I will leave it to Ælfred…

No matter which candidate you are rooting for, it is hard to believe that in a country of 325 million, this is the best we can do.

It might be an improvement. One thing that will improve things is a knife giveaway.

Our knife giveaway from last week week is a CRKT Forebear by Darriel Caston.

Congrats to Del , whose comment was selected at random from last week’s post. Since I have been a slacker and hadn’t sent his swag package from Blade Show yet, I will send them together. I don’t anticipate such a diminutive slipjoint running afoul of the Canadian Customs folks.

This week we will be giving away a CRKT S.P.E.W.derivative,  The Folts design is a step larger than his minimalist series, but the S.P.E.W. is a Wharncliffe (the name means Small Pocker Everyday Wharncliffe). Turns out that this is a brand new design, which didn’t have a name when they boxed it up. Turns out it is called a CRKT S.P.I.T., or Small Pocket Inverted Tanto. I will have to show the knife to Mark before sending it out. Everytime he hears the term “Inverted Tanto” a little vein pops out in his forehead.

Like a “Sowbelly Lockback Whittler”, he doesn’t believe that an Inverted Tanto is a thing.

Usual rules apply.  Up to 5 comments or replies are your entries, and if you are a new commenter, yours count double, but will be held in moderation until I can approve the first batch.

Good Luck Everybody. Now, onto the rest…

Wow. that was a dark read of the situation.

It is a beautiful thing. But this is sad…

However, Bill Nye should not be a hero to children. He’s barely even a scientist…

But he’s no match for Chuck…

I have so many questions…

Do you get it?

Does this help?

Follow me for more parenting advice…

Works every time.

That Meter Sale doesn’t look very British.

Probably because they use the Metric System.

Good Question.

So much to do, it barely fits on a sign.

Or you could stop them…

Marvin Heeymeyer was an a-hole, and should not be considered a folk hero. But the Killdozer is still kinda cool. Like owning a tank…

I hate when this happens…

All the time.

About as helpful as having AI help you set up your campsite…

I debated using Kinky Freidman’s “They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore“, as our second musical number, but I just cannot.

I listen to Zappa, John Valby, and any number of vulgarians as a matter of course. But that song is just too rough for these pages.  Even though he punches out the redneck who was dropping N’bombs (and every other racial slur), like “Blazin’ Saddles, the song couldn’t be made today.

But I want to address the refrain from the song, even if I am not sharing the video…

No, they ain’t makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore
We don’t turn the other cheek the way we done before
You could hear that honky holler as he hit that hardwood floor
Lord, they sho’ ain’t makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore

Every Friday night since October 7th, I have dedicated a portion of the open thread share my support for the State of Israel as it seeks to destroy the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. After the October 7th massacre Israel decided that they could not continue with a strategy of containing Hamas, and they would no longer turn the other cheek.

I just never expected to see scenes like this on the streets of America…


But when the mainstream Western press makes its bias so clear…

I feel compelled to take time out to use my platform to push back. I will continue to do so until Israel has all of its hostages back, and they have declared operations against Hamas to be concluded.

I do have another Kinky video to share, though it is not much of a “pick me up” from the above section, but it shows Kinky’s more sensitive side, in a duet with his close friend Willie Nelson.

Wanting to end on a high note, I figure I would give you a glimpse behind the curtain on pulling together the WOT each week…

It can involve subterfuge,

but it is best to serve notice when you can…

You can be brazen about it too…

There are many ways to do it, but it has become too easy…

Sometimes it is a matter of using card-game magic…

Or you can wander aimlessly through meme groups…

and besides, is it really stealing?

The whole thing has become overblown…

So I will take my leave.

Have a great weekend everyone.