Weekend Open Thread: For Medicinal Use Only Edition

Howdy Y’all. It is Friday and everyone’s favorite meme thread hosted by a knife magazine. In fact, one might even say we are the World’s Greatest meme thread hosted by a knife magazine. The KNIFE Magazine.

Not much more related to this week’s title, but the lede was my favorite meme of the week. There are a bunch of current event memes, but not enough to be a theme.


Or give the baby some Coors.

Or $40 billion.

More Elon insanity.

I have seen sub $1 gas in my lifetime, but not for long. None of us have seen gas like this.


Speaking of abusive relationships, the biggest memeworthy event going on right now is the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial.

I won’t share too many. The whole situation has me rooting for a fissure to open in the earth and swallow the courthouse.


Please Sweet Meteor o’ Death, save us.

I’ve got nothing either.

Speaking of nothing, no knife shows on our Event Calendar for the next two weeks. Then comes the Grand-daddy of them all, Blade Show.

Stop by and say hello, grab a free issue, and enter one of our giveaways. More on those at a later time.

Last current event meme…

The family leaving for a week in Pawley’s Island, SC on Sunday. I am sure I will get one for lunch on the road.

I guess this is a current event, but also the Dad Joke of the Week.


Even better than this week’s Dad Joke is this week’s drawing. This week’s winner is Mark R. He joins Cmeat and David M. on our list of those that are halfway to winning the Dicerox Kalina.

The rest of you can join them as Token Holders with your comments and replies below. but you know the drill.

Up to 5 comments or replies on this post are your entries. If you are drawn once you become a “token holder”. Then a second draw wins the knife.

If you are new to the blog your comments will be held in moderation until I can approve them. After I do, your comments will post at will.

And on to the rest of the memes…

Everyone has one. Why would they need to buy another?

I had a zoom meeting this week. My shop doors/sticker collection is good. But not that good.

80’s pop music ftw. (not really…give me dead hippie music)

Al Bundy was the GOAT.

Grudge match…

My money is on Florida Man.

Be kind. Rewind.


No specific reason. Just amused me…

Don’t fall for it.

Some inspirational words for your week…

Spinosaurus loves you and wants you to be happy.

And stop calling me Shirley.

I will get right on it.

Don’t ever grow up…

Our Knife Meme of the Week…


What say you? The orangutan is a tough match, but I am in an out of the car a lot. It could get tedious.

I am going to go cry now. Have a great weekend everyone.