Greetings and Salutations. Figured I’d be a little more formal this evening for no reason whatsoever.
If only.
So how is everyone doing? I spent the day chaperoning a day trip to the woods with my son’s 5th grade class. Not the worst way to spend the day. But I am running behind on getting this out.
Obviously, Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is the memeworthy news.
BuILd Ur oWn InTerNeT..
If you live on one coast or the other, you have a knife show in your vicinity this weekend.
Didn’t really find anything else topical, but this about covers it all…
I also have a rare knife meme that is new to me…
Instead of Pakimascus, someone is going to win the Swedish made Dicerox Kalina.
David McCarty takes the early lead with the first “token” towards winning the Kalina.
Usual rules apply…
Up to 5 comments or replies on this post are your entries. If you are drawn once you become a “token holder”. Then a second draw wins the knife.
If you are new to the blog your comments will be held in moderation until I can approve them. After I do, your comments will post at will.
I have a decent assortment of more random memes tonight.
80’s kids will understand…
Could be for dad-bods who like to grill.
Second Lunch is the 4th most important meal of the day.
I am not too sure about this next one…
This is doubly true if you are shopping at ACME…
This is more true than Europeans would acknowledge…
Random, but funny.
This is never a good thing…
Nor is being Rickrolled…
Wasted too much time trying to come up with a caption for this one. I am open to suggestions.
Someone captioned this perfectly already.
Smartest Boi…
I need to call it quits and hit the rack. I wouldn’t want to make my therapist angry…