Weekend Open Thread: Hazy Shade of Summer Edition

Hey…whaddaya know? We have a theme. Not that anyone should be happy to see New York further descend into a scene from a dystopian novel, but they were doing that already, before the fires.

It was all a ruse…

Might as well make the best of it…

My advice is to stay home and drink…

Blizzard killed it with their rollout of their latest game…


Not a game…

But it isn’t like no one has ever experienced this before…

They should relax…

And focus on the problem…


Blade Show was pretty amazing as always. Got to hang with Steve T. a bit on Saturday afternoon and evening…

Here we are with either Stephan Fowler or a well-groomed Sasquatch.

Looking ahead to the regional show side of things, here is the latest from our Events Calendar…the next thing I see is not until mid-july.  I find that surprising and will follow up with Mark.

So I will get back to the memes.

I’d much rather celebrate donuts. Or national Taco Day.


Grizzlies are better fishermen than you.

Jesus does not approve…

That is a bad sign.

That is a better one.

Too soon?

It was Groot.


Among other reasons.

Legend. One of the best wrestling heels ever.

Rest in piece Sir. Your Honest Work is done. (read more)

Time to draw for our Blade Show Swag Package…Stuart B. is our lucky winner. Lotsa patches, stickers, a hat, a t-shirt, and a Browning Sage Creek (Small) fixed blade that Hocky passed on a couple of weeks back.

Next week’s drawing is for a Browning folder.

The Browning Sage Creek lock back is a nice knife, with smooth action opening via thumb stud, solid lockup with no blade wobble, and nice ergonomics.

Usual rules apply. Up to 5 comment’s or replies count as your entries. Stuart sits this one out, but everyone else is in the game. If you are a new commenter, your comments will be held in moderation until I approve them, from that point on you can comment freely. First time commenters get double-credit in the drawing. Ok, so that is a new one. But we want to build this up.

Now back to the memes…

Is the void too small, or have there been too many screams?

Go home bus, you’re drunk.

Somewhat related…

The first of several DnD memes…

This one goes out to the Dungeon Masters…

I hate when that happens.

I already shared the “Raising a Family is hard” meme (“not if they are buried close enough together”) a few weeks ago.

A rare photo of Joe Flowers as a child.

Just a poor cat from a poor family.

Nice kitty…

Spyderco fanboys be like…

Attn Jason K:

I am sure someone has tried it.

It is the human connection that counts…

Or not.


It is the circle of life.

Rectum…damn near killed him.


Not Genius…


Grunt style…

Go ahead…do it…

Works great on dead batteries.

That’s not what Martha said.

Worst. Gummies. Ever.

Battle Kitty.

Nothing involving Chucky is good.


Just say no.


That changes things a bit.

That is about all I have for tonight, have a good one all. I will be back with more memes next week.