Hey everyone…
Sorry about last week. As I mentioned, I was way behind on my writing for the June print issue, and I lost a bunch of work due to a website problem. Couple that with my lacrosse team’s “Purple and Gold” game and team picnic to prepare for, and I never had the time to put out an open thread.
One of the things I have been wanting to get to is sharing the pictures that Hocky has shared with me. But first, this meme goes out to our favorite undersea knife collector.
I guess this one could go out to Hocky as well…
As we all know, Hocky has a heck of knife collection, and he has sent me some pictures of some of his favorites, many of which have been mentioned in the comments on previous weekend threads.
The top knife is a “Hiroshi Suzuki San-Mai “Mouseskinner”. Snakewood scales Hiroshi replaced the scales and made a new sheath in 2017. This knife was stolen and thrown in the Antietam Creek. A friend and I “dove” the creek and recovered two of the four knives thrown there by the thieves. (The Spartan “Kranos” was recovered)
“Nobuhiro Yamamoto “City” ATS-34 and Amber Sambar Stag w/custom sheath.” (left)
“”Nobu”, “Grasshopper” ATS-34 and Amber Sambar Stag w/custom sheath. (right)
On June 8, 2017, the original “City and Grasshopper” were stolen and thrown into the Antietam Creek. I could not find them after seven hours searching the creek. Nobu made me new ones and gave them to me at the 2018 Blade Show.
I would wager a fairly safe bet that Nobuhiro Yamamoto was influenced by Jess Horn, who spent a good deal of time in Japan and built up quite a following there. Here is my Spyderco Jess Horn, which is among the most desirable piece in my collection:
Here is a knife by Ed White, which I do not know the backstory on, but I am sure will be explained in the comments shortly 🙂
And finally, here are 3 other shots, two of a slipjoint by Eric Albers, and a:
“photo of my “Barney” Camp knife? He calls it the “Cloverleaf” for the obvious extraordinary silver wire inlay. Short story: I stopped by Barney’s house one morning a while ago. This knife was on the dining room table. I asked him if it was “spoken for”. He said that a regular customer was interested. I had some cash in my pocket. SOLD ‼️ 🤓 “
Really nice knives. Thank you Hocky.
My memes don’t have much theming tonight. But first a couple of more Star Wars Day (May 4th) and Cinco de Mayo memes:
I wouldn’t be reveling in the breakup of someone’s marriage, except he has a particularly annoying tendency to believe that his money gives him the right to dictate how the proles should live their lives. Screw him.
I think that is how it went.
No Knife shows this weekend, but there are two coming up next weekend. Blade Show is coming up. Anyone else going to be there?
Cmeat wins a second backissue from the drawing a couple of weeks ago. He still hasn’t let me know what the first issue he wants is.I guess he commented something about wharncliffes. I will see what I can come up with.
And I sorry I don’t have another knife to give away this week. It will be the winners choice of a backissue or a Goins Encyclopedia. I will make replenishing the prize shelf a top priority at Blade Show.
Usual rules apply. 5 comments/replies count, and if you are new your comment will be held back until approved. After that you are good to go with future comments.
Not a fan of Always Sunny in Philadelphia but the meme is on point.
Not a fan of comic book movies either, but this cracked me up…
My 10yo son will probably be pumped. He loves Marvel movies. I have never seen a single superhero movie. Ever. Not even a Superman or Batman. I know that makes me an outlier, but oh well.
Yes, that’s right. 3 knife/blade memes this week. I am that good.
Have a great one everybody. I am looking forward to sleeping in for the first Saturday without lacrosse in a while.
Update ~ noon saturday
Hey all – I found a particularly rich vein of memes this morning. The first one goes out to our buddy Jason, proprietor of Solera Brewery in Parkdale, Oregon. Hope things have turned a corner for you guys out there.
These were too funny, but the story will burn out before next week and they will be less relevant.
These are nicely apolitical while at the same time funny as hell.
If you missed the original subject, look up “giant Biden tiny Carter”. You’ll figure it out.
Be well.