Hey everyone. We’re back. Crazy week getting the April issue wrapped up. I ended up doing 14 separate company writeups, and Mark did about the same. I am still a bit out of sorts.
The lede meme still cracks me up. I laughed while sitting alone when I first saw it. So I thought about making it the theme of this week’s WOT. Problem is, I hate coffee, and coffee memes are all dumb.
“I can’t function without this chemical I am addicted to” just fails to move the needle for me. So this weeks memes don’t really have a theme as a result.
We can start with a few somewhat topical memes though, just revisiting past themes…
The balloon thing has gone from the news cycle. but memes are forever.
The more meme savvy of you will recognize Crying Michael Jordan.
The less said about this the better. Moving on. It’s baseball season.
Too bad MLB is dead to me. I will never again root for the Cleveland baseball club. And the commissioner’s office seems determined to kill the Golden Goose.
I will stick to minor league games, and maybe try to catch a Tennessee game this spring.
I didn’t check the math. I was too busy preparing myself some Hemlock tea.
I didn’t check this math either, and I don’t know exactly how many joules it would take, but I think even a single terajoule would make applesauce.
Only one show this week on the Events Calendar…(don’t worry, it is March 12, not Sept 17, which is the first instance of the repeating event.
Next weekend is one of the big ones, Blade Show Texas…
as well as:
I might run out to Pigeon Forge with my daughter.
Stay tuned to the KNIFE magazine Events Calendar for the latest in your area.
And now, back to our show…
That is about as risque as we will get here. Or maybe this one…
You may or may not be shocked with what doesn’t make the cut.
Poor Coke Bear.
Who knew T-Swizzle was a WWI enthusiast?
Nice try Skynet.
Seems plausible.
Americans will literally use anything to avoid the Metric system.
I can’t unsee that.
ACME Aircraft Division.
Much Better.
He’s almost as happy as someone who won a knife.
I just got a mess of knives from Browning…
I am going to cover most of these in more depth, but I needed a prize for the last WOT, so I am going to give away the Prism 3.
As I said, I want to go into more detail on the others, and we have given away Prisms in the past. It is a nice, inexpensive import liner lock. My daughter has one in her favorite teal. good for a small hand and pocket.
This one is on its way to David M. but I won’t disqualify him from entering next week’s drawing. A B’YondEDC Linear will be this week’s prize.
It’s a pocket friendly linerlock EDC with Natural G10 and a D2 blade.
Usual rules apply – 5 comments or replies on this post are your entries, and if you are new to the blog, your comments will be held in moderation until I can approve the first ones. After that you are good to go.
And from here we meme you to the exit…
Would you rather mess with Texas or Florida?
I hear Albania is beautiful this time of year.
Some heroes don’t wear capes.
This guy either…
Goodest gurl…
We don’t deserve dogs.I think I am a 6. Press week is over.
Dad win.
Indeed it’s not.
I’d say it is the snowman that is lazy. Look at him lying down on the job.
Whoa. That’s even more mind-breaking than Quesadillas being Mexican grilled cheese.
Always a good idea.
Scary stuff.
No one is equipped for that. Or expecting it.
It’s their secret weapon.
Addendum: Due to some readers’ lack of familiarity with the genius of Month Python, here is the reference…
Well, kinda kills the setup for this now doesn’t it…
Rick Roll has been added to our DnD game.
Yeah. That’s the ticket.
I don’t believe it.
Kebab on the hoof.
I am the latter.
As Porky Pig used to say….”bdee-bdee That’s all folks”
Have a good one Everybody. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.