Ok., so that was a bit dark, but I figured it would be a good antidote for what will be some somewhat saccharine Christmas memes. Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Open Thread. We are on the glide-path to Christmas now, as by the time that most of you will be reading this, it will be at least Christmas Eve Eve if not later.
That is more right than it is wrong.
Uh oh.
That would be a positive spin on it. We all know that Kevin was actually a monster.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
That clears things up a bit.
Since there are no knife shows on the Knife Events Calendar, we are going to jump into tonight’s first musical selection. Last year I believe I used Run DMC’s Christmas in Hollis. Keeping in the vein of a bit of Christmas silliness, here is another of my favorites…
Section 2 will be keeping with the Christmas theme, just no more on the Home Alone Front…
You can use the rest tinder for your fireplace.
Good question.
Save on Electricity, I did.
Stupid is as stupid does, though no generation has a monopoly on that…
I actually remember that stuff.
They are delicious. Unlike this…
Kill it with fire.
Remember Boys and Girls…
The real moral of that story. Though the movie isn’t all bad… I’ve shared that before, but as it says, “annual reminder”
Apropos of nothing at all, the Kenny Rogers Roasters episode of Seinfeld is among the best.
Easily attainable relationship goals. Though I usually start with a pitcher of Bloody Marys on Christmas.
Tasteless Trex is a great meme template.
Hey…I found a knife related one…
These get old after a while though…
You will never unsee this.
We actually made our gingerbread houses this evening…
Spellchecking memes is hard.
That is true.
It is also true that we are in the midst of a “two token” drawing for a CRKT Provoke. Our current “token-holder” is Steve T. and now joining him in Week 2 is Heather R. It would have been Hocky since I actually drew him forst, but he has already declined participation in this drawing. So Steve and Heather only need to be drawn once more to be the winner. Everyone else take heart, you are still in this thing. It takes being drawn twice to win the knife, so you too can be a token holder next week if your name is drawn.
Usual rules apply, up to 5 comments or replies count as your entries, and if you are a new commenter yours count double. If you are new to the blog, your comments will be held in moderation until I can approve them. Please be patient, I will get to them in a day or less. Good luck everybody.
Now onto the non-themed memes…
Or you can go the punch-card route and get your 6th free.
Chris Rock has a great bit about that (NSFW).
That is a very good question.
That game rocked.
It hasn’t snowed here yet. But I will be happier than that Jeep.
I am Fantastic though.
Nice baby monitor.
Makes a great gift.
Friendly doggo.
Not so much funny as true.
More interesting than mine.
Stupid Proby (Probationary Firefighter).
Speaking of tea…
They are in for a surprise.
I can relate.
That would work.
They need to be more creative.
I know Hanukah ended last week, but it seems like a good segue….
I don’t have a lot to add to my weekly mention of Israel’s war against Hamas, but even almost 3 months later, my support remains steadfast. Hamas must be destroyed.
Sounds familiar…
On October 6th, Israel was not conducting airstrikes. There was a “ceasefire” except for Hamas was already firing rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilians. On October 7th, Hamas committed acts of barbarity that are among the most brutal in history. Now, they hide behind civilians in schools and hospitals.
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The world definitely seems to be in a bit of a state these days. The Weekend Open Thread developed into its current form as a reaction to the insanity that was the pandemic time. It is a dark-humor attempt to laugh our way through a situation, now situations beyond our control.
I draw a small comfort in knowing that this isn’t the first time the world has been at the brink. During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, a songwriter, who happened to have been a French conscript into the German army in WWII, and his wife composed a song that was a prayer for peace in a world gone mad. The song is “Do you hear what I hear?”, and the composing couple reportedly could not perform it themselves because they became too emotional.
A year later, the country was rocked again by the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I was not alive then, but having lived through September 11, I can at least understand an incident that shakes the nation’s soul. A month after that, one of the most beloved figures in America took the stage of the Bob Hope Christmas Special and sang the song. I can only imagine the effect that this had on those who watched it then, as I myself get verklempt every time I hear the song today.
Pray for Peace in the World.
We hope you have a Knife (and Machete) filled Christmas.
Stay safe everyone.