Hey Folks. I hope all who are reading this had a good week. It is always hard to do a comedy post when your mind is occupied with serious topics. Unlike WuFlu, where it was something that directly affected us all, and gallows humor was the order of the day, in the case of the war in Ukraine, most of us aren’t “in it”. The possibility of $5 gasoline doesn’t count.
Of course there are other possibilities…
Duck and Cover is back baby!
At the time of this writing, Ukraine has bloodied Russia’s nose mightily, but the sheer weight of the invasion is taking its toll, and the hard realities of mathematics are beginning to assert themselves. I hope that when Kyiv falls, as it likely will, Zalensky escapes to continue the stand in the west. I think things will collapse rapidly if the Russians manage to kill him.
It is hard to sit back and watch this unfold, though restraint is probably for the best. If Russia expands this to a NATO country, we have no choice but to respond.
Of course we are doing something…
I can’t believe that I have been doing these meme threads this long and I have never Rick-rolled you. Until just now.
The “meme war” has been pretty intense. There are in truth multiple psyops going on right now. The Ukrainians are understandingly pulling at people’s heartstrings. Russians have strangely done a poor job of trying to manipulate the media, instead, the media keeps droning on about a no fly zone, which is an astronomically stupid escalation at this point.
Hopefully sanctions work. That one will hit them where it hurts.
This would be much more intimidating than NATO…
Congrats Russia, you successfully managed to get the world to celebrate the rearming of Germany.
Good job everyone!
Just so everyone is clear.
And so everyone is clear on the Knife Show scene: The Arkansas Knife Show is cancelled, but there are two still taking place:
I have lacrosse games all day tomorrow. Playing Cookeville, the best team in the District. My team is really green. My girls are scrappers but really outclassed. Should be an interesting afternoon. Anyone have big plans?
Funny to watch American hoplophobes cheering the passing out of weapons to the populace.
We definitely need a crack team of GLG-20’s. And decoys. Cue “Soulfinger”.
Before we get to the rest of this week’s memes, David McCarty wins the swag pack, which contains some morale patches, pins, stickers, a Boker hat, and a Browning knife I didn’t realize we still had on the shelf.
Our next drawing will be for a Knife Rights edition Cold Steel AD15. This Demko designed knife (made in Free China) is among their most popular offerings, and one I would actually carry if someone gave me one. Like many of you, I have a love/hate relationship with Cold Steel.
Usual rules apply for a “2 token” drawing. Up to 5 comments or replies on this post are your entries. If you are drawn once you become a “token holder”. Then a second draw wins the knife.
If you are new to the blog you comments will be held in moderation until I can approve them. After I do, your comments will post at will.
Business out of the way, here are the rest of this week’s memes for your viewing enjoyment.
Makes me think of Mitch Hedberg.
My 11 year old son, who is obsessed with the entire Star Wars universe, found that really funny.
Speaking of kids and Star Wars. These two go together…
My son has long come up with questions that baffle me.
Glad my kids have outgrown that stage.
Is this a Star Wars meme, or Princess Bride?
No. They wouldn’t.
Pretty much.
I guess this is technically true. This is, though I have never thought of it that way.
I like cheese, but the word “loaf” is one of the worst in the English language.
While we are on the topic of language, any bible-geeks will know the difference between KJV and MSG.
And I Rick-rolled you twice in one week. Take that!
Don’t. Stop. (in my best Gene Wilder Wonka voice)
I know, these are back on current events, but it has been true for a while.
Not Funny, but it puts the world in perspective.
All one can do is keep plugging away.
The struggle is real.
Have a good one folks. Pray for the people of Ukraine.