Howdy folks. How is everything in your neck of the woods? Kids were off school the past 2 days for a predicted 3″ snowfall. We got rain and a dusting. I’d love to be that good at my job. The Weather-Guessers did manage to drive folks into a panic though.
Everyone suddenly wants French Toast apparently.
If you grew up in a major midwestern city, you would have to wait until 10 minutes of “Saint” schools scrolled past before seeing your school come up.
Truthfully, the weather has been nuts the last couple of weeks. Temperatures were bouncing around like Powerball numbers. I was wearing shorts and sandals on both Xmas and New Years. Last night it was 18.
Too much eggnog. Leads to stupid things.
2021 went out in epic fashion though…
I blame Lego:
She bailed.
I actually had that meme in last week’s thread, which I wrote and scheduled last thursday. I had to go and log on to pull it out at the last minute. RIP Betty.
In related news, the internet has now hired Dolly Parton Secret Service protection, a food tester, and had her hermetically sealed in a bubble. Apparently she is the new Betty White. She must be protected at all costs.
Or just to last week. Del Corsi is our newest “token holder”, joining Mark R., Cmeat, Steve T. and David McCarty. Any one of them is one drawing away from winning the Spartan Blades folder.
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I wasn’t really second guessing my decision to bow out of SHOT Show. But nothing I have heard since has given me the slightest reason too. Major companies such as KAI, Gerber, Safariland International, and more have announced they are pulling out.
Since there are no knife shows this weekend, it it time to throw open the floodgates and meme y’all out. Starting with my meme of the week. I am so glad Yelp wasn’t a thing when I was a fishing guide.
I shared it to the Marie Callender’s Sharon Pie Roasting Posting group on Facebook. It is the most viral thing I have ever posted, with 1500 reactions so far. The origin of the group comes from a Twitter post that proves that the “Customer isn’t always right”. The memes on that facebook page are all Karen (or Sharon) based.
Sharon was roasted online worse than she roasted that pie.
You can read more about it here.
I have a friend in Idaho who still had a set. Coolest toy ever.
My son makes Dad-jokes.
Maybe you can fix stupid.
I didn’t grow up with one of those, but our family room TV was black and white until I was about 10. I didn’t get cable until I was out of college and on my own.
This isn’t a big gamer crowd, but I thought that was funny. As was this…
Have a great weekend y’all.