No, I am not quitting KNIFE Magazine, the title is just a reminder that I will not have a Weekend Open Thread next Friday since I will be at Blade Show.
Or more properly stated, KNIFE Magazine will be at Blade Show, at Booth 47 to be exact. Pretty much in the center of the back wall, to the left of Hogue, and the right of Wicked Edge, and across the aisle from VZ Grips if everyone is in their traditional spots. The opening meme was alluding to the irresponsible spending I intend to do at the show.
That is what is going to need to count as a current event meme. There really isn’t much going on. Debt Ceiling memes are not really a thing, and the DeSantis failure to launch is too political to be appropriate. So there is no theme, we are kinda all over the place to be honest.
Like a smorgasbord of memes, just be sure to leave us a review.
(“No Vegan Options” – for those on phones)
Since we are on a run of food memes…
Might as well pile it on.
Well played.
On that happy note, I will give you a moment to recover while I take a look at the Event Calendar…
Yup. Nothing this weekend, and as I already mentioned, Blade Show is next weekend.
As always. Be Ungovernable…
My daughter has an entire bookshelf full of owls. But she doesn’t mind. Owls are cool anyway…
Math is hard…
What happens if you add the longitude?
I wonder is Hippo is tasty?
A lot of animal memes this week. Quite by accident.
Actually, probably a better representation tbh.
11/10 Would recommend.
That would be the Reader’s Digest version, but it skips over the student loan debt and lifetime unemployment.
This is not funny. It is frightening,
This isn’t funny either…just true.
As Yogi Berra said, “90% of this game is half mental”.
I agree…
No one slipped me any money under the table, but a relative newcomer is the winner of the Byrd Meadowlark – Heather R. aka Kayaklunatic was drawn from last week’s comments as the winning entry.
As mentioned, our next drawing will be in 2 weeks, and will be for a pile of Blade Show swag, including this patch given to me by Uncle Ethan when I visited him in Montana earlier this month.
The usual rules apply except that due to the 2 week drawing period, you can enter with up to 10 comments or replies on this post. As always, if you are new to the blog, your comments will be held in moderation until I can approve the first ones. After that you are good to go.
And we are ready to go with the rest of this week’s memes…
Don’t ever stop.
Unless you hear HeYooo and a beep. But it is probably too late to stop at that point. Jerry can be finished before you are done stopping.
Apropos of nothing at all, I am looking forward to seeing Joe Flowers at Blade.
Isn’t that precious?
Somewhat related…
Better to eat at home. And in better to eat in 1985.
Simpler times.
Reality is overrated.
Life is hard, get a helmet.
Is there a venn diagram of military and DnD memes?
About right.
Real heroes wear chainmail.
Don’t be either of those guys.
Or these ladies.
Penguins have had enough.
*shivers in German ecstasy.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Me on Summer Vacation…
My kids on Summer Vacation…
Have a good weekend (and next one too) everybody. I will be back to my memeing duties in a fortnight.