Hey everyone. I don’t imagine this will be my best ever open thread. Press day is coming up next week (for the November issue). So I am going to blast through this post tonight.
I haven’t actually been following the whole murdered van-girl story other than the headlines. But those headlines include Dog the Bounty Hunter chasing the fugitive. I hope he beats the Fedbois to the collar.
It isn’t like the FBI has covered itself in glory of late.
If you are in South Carolina this weekend, Dogwood Dan Eastland is giving a talk as part of an exhibit of Carolina knifemakers. The show is a big deal.
Here is a little more info. From my Knife News piece in August.
Otherwise there are not any shows on our event calendar this weekend. Next weekend is Blade West.
Fall is in the air. Be sure your car is ready.
Pumpkin spice is gross. You won’t be changing my mind. I am not a coffee drinker anyway.
Steve T. was drawn for the first token towards the next Vero Engineering knife.
Mark took the Large Synapse. So the drawing is for one of the bottom two.
Usual rules apply. You need to be drawn twice to win. You can enter 5 comments/replies in this weeks comments to try to earn your first chip towards the win. If you are new to the blog, your comment will be held in moderation until approved. After that you are good to post in real time.
Speaking of minding your business…
Of course he may lecture you on self sufficiency as well.
There is a version of that that riffs off the Bayeux Tapestry. Same idea with a jumping horse.
Thanks Mike C.
I’m just along for the ride. Have a great one everyone.