Hey there everybody. This might be an odd one, at least putting it together is. I am sitting in the Knoxville airport, waiting on a delayed flight. My meme gathering has been sporadic, but I think I have pulled together enough to try to get this in in the time I have before I take off.
Hindsight tells us something. And that meme/tweet is a great segue since I am about to board a plane myself.
Not for Cleveland, and not Germany, though I understand this guy’s predicament.
I’m flying to Houston, where my Brownies are about to take on the Texans in the playoffs.
Lest anyone be offended by the title of this week’s Open Thread, it is a quote from that great Tennessean – Davy Crockett, who uttered those words after losing an election and heading West.
My buddy called me on Monday night and said he had extra room for me if I wanted to come crash with him for the game. I looked and was able to get a seat just a couple of rows behind his ticket.
So I am off to Texas, to watch some guy named Joe.
Who was 13-3 against the Browns when he QB’d the team formerly known as the Browns.
It is quite the irony that he is now beloved in Cleveland, and will achieve legendary status if we go on a legitimate run.
That path will put us on a collision course with that same despised organization.
But we have to get through The Texans first.
My track record of late has been less than stellar of late.
Better hang that banner up with 3M strips, it’s coming down in March.
Truth be told, I am just happy to be here… I am now in my hotel in Houston.
It was anything but a beautiful day. My flight was delayed for 3 hours, and my buddy’s friend who was on a later flight from Cleveland just got cancelled.
All flights out of Cleveland are grounded until 11. He rebooked for 10am. He has until 3 pm tomorrow to make it here and still make kickoff. I am skipping dinner with the rest of the group (apparently this is an extended group of Browns fans who are friends and friends of friends. But we are all meeting up in a bit at the local Browns Backers Bar which is hosting a big party.
So if you are an SEC fan and hate Nick Saban, blame Art Modell. Things could have turned out sooo differently.
Speaking of flashbacks…
If things go according to my rooting interest kiss of death, I at least do not have to reach very far to find a silver lining. A Browns loss tomorrow means CJ Stroud wins, and I can’t feel too bad for a guy I passionately cheered for as a Buckeye, and have been pulling for all year as he has had an amazing rookie season.
I lived through Red Right 88, The Drive and The Fumble, as well as The Shot, and The Collapse (Mesa’s Blown Save in 1997 Series)…and frankly, my sports emotion tank is on empty after The Game in college football this year. I want a good game, and I want a Browns win. But as I said, I am just happy to be here and spend time with a buddy I haven’t seen in a few years.
Sooo… talk football amongst yourselves.
The KNIFE Magazine Event Calendar is back. Mark snuck the Tupelo Gun and Knife Show in since I last checked.
SHOT Show starts the 23rd:
I am sitting it out this year, and KNIFE Magazine Advertising Manager is David Beckler is joining Mark.
I am bummed that I am going to miss out on seeing some friends, but am not going to miss the chaos.
My kids had school today, though all the public schools cancelled.
It isn’t supposed to get brutally cold until I am back in Knoxville Sunday night.
A couple more memes related to current happenings before we get to the drawing…
Did anyone see this? Wild.
Kudos to the Judge for sticking to the guidelines for the crime for which he has been convicted. The judge in the coming assault trial can legitimately make an example of him.
I drew Del in the CRKT giveaway, but I am going to need him to chime in on whether he wants to pass. I have a feeling that this one might chafe some overzealous postal inspector.
Who would “confiscate” it for his own use.
If he chooses to accept the token, he joins Heather, Zach, and Steve T. and Cmeat. Things are getting interesting. We now potentially have 5 folks who can win with a second token.
The rest of you are still in it. Usual 2 token rules apply. Up to 5 comments or replies are your entries, and if you are a new commenter yours count double. The first person to be drawn a second time wins the knife. If you are a new commenter, your posts will be held in moderation until I can approve them the first time. Good luck to everyone. Except him…
Sod off Klaus.
Uhm…I don’t think that is how it works,
I think I explained this one recently…
I never watched it, though I have quoted this numerous times…
I’m more of a war movie and western guy…like Have Gun, Will Travel.
I know I have shared this HCA Original before…
M109 “Paladin” I passed on the way to school pickup one day.
What Team are you? Explain your justification.
Valid. Cmeat is in by virtue of keeping the lights on as well.
Free Bird!
I can relate to above and below…
I hate when people.
I am sensing tomorrow. Too bad I don’t drink coffee.
My son is becoming scary-good at chess.
The meme game has always been strong with that one.
I don’t think that is the right cover.
I didn’t have a lot of time to find anything profound, or amazingly humorous with regards to Israel’s war on Hamas.So I turned to End the Preoccupation which never disappoints.
Even though she has resigned, it is only a sacrificial CYA by Harvard. But she will still have lots more opportunities for grift.
MIT’s President still has her job. Shame on MIT, and any school that is not moving mountains to ensure the safety of their students.
I need to wrap it up. Just got the message it is time to head out to Ducky McSchweeney’s Irish Pub. So here is a pallet cleanser…
Such a good boi.
Speaking of good bois
Still a good boi, just not the goodest….
And still better than a cat…
It has always been this way…
Have a good one everybody. Alex Bevan is a Cleveland institution. I will come back to him in a future weekly music feature.
Go Brownies!
I’m ready.
Have a good one everybody.