Weekend Open Thread: You aren’t going to do that are you?

Howdy folks. Anakin/Padme memes were all the rage this week, and most were better than the movie they were from. I am a big fan of the original trilogy, but the prequels were so bad that I have not felt the need to watch any of the newer movies. From all I heard, they abandoned the theme of the Hero’s Journey in favor of “Girls are so awesome that they can take out a Sith Lord the first time they use a lightsaber”. Or that is how my kids describe them anyway. I think I will just hang on to the fond memories and continue to avoid new Star Wars movies.

But as I said, the memes are pretty good:

Sleep is overrated.

That is about as risque as I will get on these pages.

Padme and Anakin aren’t the only ones getting in on the act…

How is everyone doing? No knife shows on our event calendar, but a big one next week:

Bluegrass Knife Show

Mark R. is the winner of the BladeHQ shirt from last week’s thread. I have another to give away this week. Usual rules apply: Up to 5 comments and replies count as entries, and Mark has to sit this week out.

Anakin/Padme memes weren’t the only funny ones I found, but the rest don’t have a particular theme. Just stuff I liked.

Analysis: True. Below and above.


Meh.  I don’t mind.

I do mind their hypocrisy though…

But we have know that it is theater for a long time now.

This covers a bunch of recent memes…

If you’ve got it, flaunt it. But ammo and wood prices are cutting into knife-buying budgets.

Anyone cooking out for Father’s Day? I could go for some good brisket.

Have a good one everyone.