
Knife World August 2013 Issue (Hard Copy)


Hard copy of Knife World August 2013 Issue (40 pages)

August 2013 Article Index
American Pocketknife Tool Kits Dennis Ellingsen 1
A Different Kind of Sharp Stephen Garger 1
D.R. Hottinger: Against the Odds Doug Sonntag 5
The Ulu: Legend of the North Abe Elias 7
CRKT’s Enticer & Swindle Bob Campbell 24
The Head Shriner’s Scimitar Mark D. Zalesky 27
IFTK: Jet-Aer Lockback Whittler Bryan Wyszkowski 29


You will receive 1 issue of Knife World for the month of August 2013, mailed as a hard copy, to the address you provide.


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