AdvancedKnifeBro: An Unbelievable Pocket Knife H. Clay AaldersI am not sure if I like it or not, but the weight comparisons were interesting… ...NewsfeedPhotography, Podcasts, & Videos·0 Comments··23 views
KnifeInformer: Spyderco Shaman vs. PM2: A Knife Nerd’s In-Depth Comparison H. Clay AaldersThroughout my knife-reviewing journey, I’ve had the pleasure of checking out some pretty sweet blades. Even though I...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·0 Comments··72 views
Advanced Knife Bro outlines sharpening systems H. Clay AaldersAs a member of the media, I too get sent a wide variety of sharpeners. I have never...NewsfeedPhotography, Podcasts, & VideosSharpening & Restoration·0 Comments··8 views
Advanced Knife Bro: Reate Exo M review H. Clay AaldersThe mechanism is different than the German paratroop original, and shows up best in video over a text...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeed·1 Comment··10 views
Adv. Knife Bro: Former Cold Steel guy’s new knife company: Ocaso Knives H. Clay AaldersI met Ric at blade show, and I look forward to getting to know Ocaso Knives better. ...Newsfeed·0 Comments··4 views