Civivi releases Baby Banter Fixed Blade H. Clay AaldersI was gathering material on the Civivi Yonder, Zac in the Wild’s new knife, when I learned that...NewsfeedPhotography, Podcasts, & VideosProduction Knives·0 Comments··59 views
KnifeNews: Award-Winning Civivi Yonder Poised to Drop in October H. Clay AaldersFans of utilitarian daily carry blades, this one’s for you. Civivi is setting to launch the Yonder into...NewsfeedProduction Knives·1 Comment··189 views
KnifeInformer: Civivi Vision FG Review H. Clay AaldersGreetings, knife enthusiasts, and welcome to my in-depth Civivi Vision FG review! Today, we’re diving deep into what...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·1 Comment··113 views
KnifeNews: New Classic Style Fixed Blade Arrives from Civivi H. Clay AaldersThere’s always new Civivi stuff to cover, of course, but one format in their catalog we like to...NewsfeedProduction Knives·0 Comments··152 views
KnifeNews: Civivi Recruits its Newest Collaborator for Wharnie Blade User H. Clay AaldersMore knives from Civivi are a-coming down the pike – anybody surprised? Next up to discuss is the...NewsfeedProduction Knives·0 Comments··25 views