Hey everybody. I forgot to post this before the calendar turned to November. My copy arrived on Friday, which seems a bit late as it is. Subscribers…Has yours arrived yet?
Staff Correspondent and frequent KnifeMagazine,.com commenter Del Corsi has this month’s cover article, on his fellow British Columbian maker Rhidian Gatrill. There is part 2 of R. Scott Decker’s survey of Purina advertising knives, a field trial of the Acta Non Verba P200, Ron Flook investigating a mysterious tang stamp, and Roger Eckstine writes of the chaning face of the American knife show.
And all of our regular columns are back, including Knife Rights, AKTI, Bernard Levine’s Whut Izzit, Knifemakers Guild, and a pair from J. Bruce Voyles. Mark makes an appearance in one of the Knife News slots with his eulogy of BR Hughes.
The issue is available online for Premium Online Members here.