If you happen to have a little extra cash this month, you might be interested to know that Benchmade has dropped a new Gold Class knife. This time they’ve given their Necron balisong an elaborate material makeover.
The Necron is actually a freshman in the Benchmade lineup, having released just this year. It is the company’s latest balisong, but far from their first. As many may already know, Benchmade’s connection to the balisong format go all the way back to its beginnings – in fact, in those early days, it was actually named “Bali-Song,” before rebranding as Pacific Cutlery and, eventually, Benchmade. Although standard folder designs comprise the bulk of the Benchmade output now, every so often they put out new balis for that particular audience.
I have said it before, but it remains true. I really like the idea of getting into balisongs, but the enthusiast community are not people I would want to associate with. Not a big fan of furries for example.
Read the whole thing at KnifeNEws.com