The Zero Tolerance 0235 – Modern ‘Slipjoint’ Designed by Jens Ansø
by H. Clay Aalders
Non-locking folding knives have been experiencing a resurgence over the past several years. The reasons for this are myriad, but they range from their “retro-chic” aesthetic to more practical concerns such as local laws prohibiting locking knives.
This latter concern was front and center in Danish designer Jens Ansø’s mind when he designed his custom Monte Carlo, which served as the basis for his Zero Tolerance 0230 and the newly released ZT 0235. The 0230 has the same sheepsfoot blade as the Monte Carlo, while the blade on the 0235 is a 2.6” spear point.
Ansø has been designing and making knives since 1989 when his father brought home a box of Popular Mechanics magazines from the ‘40s and ‘50s. Within those pages was an article on making your own hunting knife with Bo Randall. After trying it out for himself “I was hooked, and I never looked back,” he says. After finishing a degree in industrial design, he became a full time maker and designer in 2001. His first production collaboration was the Spyderco C126G Rock Lobster in 2009. Since that time he has designed knives for several other companies, as well as co-founding boutique production company GiantMouse Knives.
This article first appeared in the November 2020 print issue of KNIFE Magazine. Click the Blue Box below to launch the flip book.