The Fellowship of the Maker: Harv Holbrook
By Jamin L. Brackett
My first contact with H.L. “Harv” Holbrook was in October of 2018. While perched in a tree stand, I received a text. Harv was in North Carolina attending a sheath making course at Montgomery Community College in Troy, North Carolina. Harv had been watching my knife posts on social media and wanted to stop by on his way back to Kentucky.
In a day where family members seldom drive across town to meet one another, I felt compelled to take time to meet the man who was driving nearly two and a half hours out of his way to meet me. I’m grateful now for the opportunity to have met such a man. We spent several hours together in the shop and looking at each other’s work.
In the coming months I followed him on social media and admired his clean hunting knives. Harv and I shared a fondness for the late George Herron’s work. Occasionally we shared images of knives.
This article appears in the July 2021 issue of KNIFE Magazine. Premium Online Members can read the whole thing by clicking on the blue box below.