Howdy folks…
I am a little scattered tonight, so I doubt this is going to be the most shining example of my compositional skills.
I think I just found my Spirit Meme.
I actually have a fairly rich trawl of memes this week, even without Biden vs. Stairs memes which while funny, cross the political line more than is appropriate for this forum. Courtesy of a legendary ship’s Captain who decided he ran out of f@cks to give…
That isn’t a meme. But you could say it was a d@ck move. There will be serious economic fallout from this. But the memes are golden…
+1 to whomever made this…
Maybe this will work. And a big hammer…
More memes in a minute, but let’s take care of the housekeeping…
Work Sharp sent us another Mk2 unit. I will be giving that away with another crossword, but there are a couple of more Kleen Kanteen tumblers. So one of those is this week’s giveaway.
Mark R. is the winner of last week’s Browning giveaway, so he sits this one out. The rest of you get to enter 5 comments or replies for this week’s drawing. If you are new to the blog, your comments will be held for moderation until I approve them. But after that you will be automatically cleared if you allow cookies.
I for one have great admiration for heavy equipment operators. Me? I once put a forklift fork through a block wall.
It really is a cluster.
There is actually a knife show this weekend, for those of you are in the Ft. Worth area.
This show is actually produced by Blade. Which bodes well for June in Atlanta.
Hopefully the dam breaks soon. It has been a long year.
Finally, an off topic meme which is almost as spot on as the writing motivation meme above.
Mmm…I might have to get some takeout tomorrow night.