Hey all,
Regular readers frequently discuss recent acquisitions in the comment section, and sometimes they send me photos of what is being discussed. Here are a few that our friend Hocky sent in.
This is the elk antler, Damascus guard and buttcap, knife I bought from Bruce Ball at “SVKC”. My good friend, Sid Barnhart, is making a sheath for it. Sid sent me this photo because he has had the knife since the show on April 1st and au wanted a photo.. . . The measuring tape on close-up reveals “MADE IN CHINA”.Sid knows my feeling regarding China, especially in the world of knives. This made me laugh . . .I wanted to share it with you.(Oh, I gave Sid a “MADE IN USA” tape )

Bruce Ball knife gained at “SVKC” show.It needs to be re-etched due to Kydex sheath marring the blade. Sid Barnhart doing the refinish and fashioning a handle and leather sheath.Note: Not “MADE IN CHINA”
Nice finds.