Knife Magazine January 2022

KNIFE Magazine January 2022 issue Sneak Peek

Wow. 2021 flew by. Or 2020 never really ended. I am not completely sure.

Now we find ourselves on the cusp of 2022, and we hope that it sees the world getting back on an even keel. If nothing else, KNIFE Magazine readers can kick back and escape for a while, and our January 2022 is just your ticket to a couple of hours of distraction.

Del Corsi’s cover article shines a light on the career of the maker of some of the most iconic knives in modern history, the great Gil Hibben.

And there is so much more…

And all of our usual columns from J. Bruce Voyles, Bernard Levine, AKTI, Knife Rights, ABS, and this month’s Knife News where we talk about a couple of new TOPS Releases, SOG’s 2022 lineup, and we say goodbye to the legendary Darrel Ralph.